Yam has been on the list for a while, but by the front route rather than sidling around the back. Given a short, early season day though, it looked like a good objective. Now that I've done it and talked to a Scottish climber hauling himself over the top of Red Shirt and looking like he'd done 15 pitches of Green Light at the Mother G (
Gogarth)....I think I'll pass on the rock climbing.

We did the hike the long way - taking a detour path up to what I think is called Ravens' End. We saw a pair of courting ptarmigans on this path....and we also saw a lot of people. The ascent is straightorward until you pass the 'crux' - a fairly unnecessary wire strung along a traverse. Beyond that, we saw a guy stuck above what appeared to be a small cliff, so we took a gully option below. Unfortunately, we descended wrongly, trying to avoid a rubbly gully, and this cost us time. I saw people return directly up the short cliff later - maybe we shouldn't have trusted that guy's opinion.

The summit is a pleasant place so long as you don't roll the wrong way after lying down in the sun. The scree 500 m below makes for an awesome descent - and we saw some very fat-looking marmots. A good, hot, half-day hike.
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