Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Saturday 14 June 2008

Prairie Mountain

Prairie Mountain is one of the closest hills to Calgary. As a consequence, it gets very popular on any warm weekend of the year. We had just purchased Gillean Daffern's book on local, generally low-level hikes, and this was one of the first hills we walked up. The trail is steep right from the outset, and although the height gain is just 700 m, this is done in a short distance, so the views open up pretty quickly. Although perhaps not as spectacular as the vista from the nearby, higher, Moose Mountain, at least when you climb Prairie Mountain by its main route from Highway 66, you don't feel like you cheated when you reach the summit! Here you can see great snow-capped block of Mt Romulus, behind Nihahi Ridge.

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