Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Saturday 19 March 2016

It's been five years. How are you?

Glacier National Park from the Akamina Ridge, Waterton Lakes National Park.
Today, I logged in for the first time in five years.

Not much seems to have changed around here, but I was amazed to see that in my absence, these pages had accrued almost 10,000 views. That's not many compared to the hits on the films that I once made about a snowboarding, ice-climbing sheep, but then daredevil sheep are probably a lot more fun to watch after a couple of beers.

So what happened? Well somehow Facebook took over, and it was just easier to post stuff there than to go through the rigmarole of uploading a Picasa album, then juggling the files so that everything fitted within the allowed content limit, etc. Working on this blog got that much less appealing when I bought an iPad (typo central!), and work etc. just encroached to squeeze out any available time for this kind of thing. I think the final nail in the blog coffin was the realization that I was writing mainly for an audience of two friends in the UK, both of whom were on Facebook anyway!

I didn't stop doing stuff though. Those 'lost years' included many trips on the rivers, lakes, trails, and mountains. We've been paddling in the Haida Gwaii, and northern Saskatchewan. Started to get back into climbing. Scrambled a few peaks. All the good stuff. So perhaps over the next few months I'll backfill this blog's content a little. After all, stories should get better with telling, and the passage of time...And right now I have more time on my hands than I'd ever imagined, thanks to the latest Albertan economic crash. Unfortunate maybe, but I'm going to make the most of it. After all, every time I stand atop a mountain, I see twenty more beyond, calling out to be climbed.

OK. I'm off to back up a year's worth of photos now. If I see something worth sharing, you'll be the first to know!

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