Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Friday 13 May 2011

How the winter ended

....slowly? It did seem like the cold and snow lasted a while this year, but on the plus side we are now enjoying sunny weather with temps in the twenties, and the local bike trails are dry. The mountains have record snowpack in many locations, so paddling this season will be good for longer, but the hiking season may barely happen before it's time to put on the skis again.

My tally for the winter, for the record: no days of ice climbing, one day slowshoeing, and fifty outings on skis of one sort or another. Perhaps a little unbalanced, but it has paid off, as we've done our first ski tour (just a small overnight trip to Mt Bryant), and started skiing double black diamonds on a regular basis.

It's May now, and I intend to post more frequently, but am considering a switch to a different blog location, as the Google limit of photos is causing me grief. We'll see. So far this spring we have been easing into the alternative activity schedule (i.e. no skiing). We've biked in Fish Creek a couple of times and found some previously unexplored single track (see photo), been out on the road bikes a couple of times, and been on the lower Kan, the Bow (Ghost Dam to Cochrane), and the Elbow (Sandy Beach to Inglewood). Last year our stats were something like 'paddled 15 times, no swims'. My stat so far this year is'paddled three times, with two swims'. I'd like to say that we're trying harder, but I think I'm just getting clumsier with time.

Right, back to work. Occasionally we do that, too....

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