Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Looking west from South Baldy, Kananskis Country

Sunday 7 June 2009

Cable Gullies Ice Climbs - In June

Lake Louise, Cable Gullies visible at far end of the lakeGrant never gives up on ice climbing. Somewhere there will always be ice to climb in the Rockies, and he usually has a good idea where to look. So with just three weeks to the longest day of the year, and Calgary enveloped in a rare summer snowstorm, we headed to Lake Louise, Tourist Central. Braving the coach-borne crowds of estuary, Yorkshire and Lancashire accents, we hurried down the lake, to find three climbs still in decent condition. So if you're wondering when the season ends out here:....'not yet!'

Cable Gullies, left-hand and centralGrant leads central Cable Gully, WI3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are these really your photos Joe and not postcards? Stunning! Claire x